Perfect Portrait 1 Adalah Plugins untuk PhotoShop. yup benar sekali, pasti Sobat Blog ingin sekali mendapatkan plugin ini secara gratis... tenang gan ane share ini plugin secara free atau gratis. sebenarnya Perfect Portrait 1 ini adalah pecahan dari Perfect Photo Suite 6, File Completenya sekitar 2GB tapi yang saya share ini adalah salah satunya. Berikut keterangan dari Situs penyedia Plugin resminya ( ononesoftware ).
Designed Expressly for Portrait Retouching
You get just the tools you need to quickly enhance and retouch portraits. We've purposefully kept out any unnecessary tools or controls that would get in your way.Automatic Face Detection
More than just finding each face, Perfect Portrait also quickly finds the eyes and mouth in a portrait automatically. Because the features are identified right away, you can quickly get to the task of enhancing those critical feature
Automatic Featur Detection
More than just finding each face, Perfect Portrait also quickly finds the eyes and mouth in a portrait automatically. You no longer have to waste time painting in the features or using complicated manual "wizards". Because the features are identified right away you can quickly get to the task of enhancing those critical features
Skin Blemish Removal and Smoothing
With Perfect Portrait, you will get great looking natural skin automatically because Perfect Portrait maintains realistic skin structure so portraits don’t look over retouched. You can quickly reduce small blemishes like wrinkles and deep pores and smooth the skin to an even consistency. Perfect Portrait can be used on just the face or the entire body.
SkinTune Color Correction
Perfect Portrait helps you achieve accurate and natural skin color automatically. This color correction technology adjusts color based on the skin color and ethnicity of each face in the image.
Begitulah kira - kira Keterangannya Sudah kagak sabar ya gan mau koleksi Software ini. Software ini di Rilis Tahun 2011 dan belum banyak Para Sobat bloger yang share Software ini. lantaran saya adalah Editing Foto. makanya saya share itung - itung buat koleksi Di adobe Photoshop Cs5 saya.
Download Perfect Portrait 1
File Size : 81.42 MB
Crack Size : 75.67KB
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Pass Ekstrack : Pleace Comment
Note : Cara Aktivasi Perfect Portrait 1 ada di File Crack Semoga berhasil gan
Perfect Portrait 1 Full Version, Perfect Portrait 1 Full keygen, Perfect Portrait 1 Full serial, Plugins adobe Photoshop cs3, Plugins adobe Photoshop cs4, Plugins adobe Photoshop cs5, Plugins adobe Lightroom cs3,
Plugins adobe Lightroom cs4, Plugins adobe Lightroom cs5, Perfect Photo Suite 6, Perfect Photo Suite 6 Full Version, Perfect Photo Suite 6 + activator, Perfect Photo Suite 6 + serial, Perfect Photo Suite 6 + keygen, Crack Perfect Photo 6, Keygen Perfect Photo 6.
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nice share
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